Viale Labriola 183/187 - 59013 Montemurlo (PO) Italy

Success Stories


We always do our best for the success of our customers ...
Polar fleece

Polar fleece was a newcomer in the early 2000 and one of our customers in Poland, who already had experience with cotton fleece, wanted to enter this new field.

Thanks to DANTI PAOLO raising and shearing machines and thanks to the technological support of our technologists, this company was able to become one of the main producers of Polar fleece in Poland.

Acrylic furs

Processing acrylic furs needs long lines of tigering, beaters, polishing, and shearing machines : the challenge is to adjust timely these machines at the change of an article.

In this line we have installed a centralised system to control all the machines from one station and at the same time adjust each machine when the new article is approaching each machine.

Thanks to this system our Italian customer has been able to provide quality and repeatability in acrylic furs.

Pants for H&M

When a big factory of cotton woven fabrics for bottom wear was to be established in Bangladesh, to supply the major European retailers, our customer selected a DANTI PAOLO Brush/Sueding machine, among a wide list of competitors.

When they needed to increase production, the choice was again, DANTI PAOLO.


3 machines in 1

One of our customers in Bangladesh needed the powerful effect of diamond emery for his heavy twills and the more delicate effect of abrasive brushes for his light satins.

Instead of buying one diamond emery machine and one brush/sueding machine he bought a DANTI PAOLO S1000 having the advantage of 3 different process : only diamond emery, only abrasive brushing and combined diamond emery and abrasive brushing.

We would like YOU, to be our best SUCCESS STORY